
Why is Nerdmas?

I am What the Cat Made.

I love selling my wares.  I make chainmaille jewelry and Battle Beanies and I sell them.

I sell them at renaissance festivals, odd events, pirate events, and even sword fighting events.

You know where I don't sell well?  Holiday craft shows.

It's not that my wares aren't good or worthy, it's that, by and large, those shows are not attended by My People.

The Nerds.  The Geeks.  The Gamers.

People who could dress for a Lord of the Rings Party and a Star Wars party the same day.
People who know what house they belong in in Harry Potter.  And care what house they get.

I wished I could vend at a show for My People.

...So, I started one.

It's that simple.  I want to do it, and I think others will want it, so I'll take on the work and see what happens.

My goal?  When I turn 60, we celebrate Nerdmas X.

Nerds with Gifts

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